Recommended for all growing children, anaemic patients, and old debilitated persons. It builds resistance to fight against infections, works as a revitalizing agent and removes mental and physical debility. It increases iron content and thus helps anaemic patients. Malt is made from germinated barley which is a rich source of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. provides all essential nutrients to growing children and old debilitated persons. It also increases iron content and thus helps anaemic patients.
Usage: Children: 1 teaspoonful, 3 times a day.
Adult: 1 tablespoonful, 3 times a day.
Contains: Alfalfa Q, Avena sativa Q, Ginseng Q, Cinchona officinalis 2x, Hydrastis canadensis 2x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium arsenicosum 4x, Ferrum aceticum 3x and Calcarea phosphorica 3x.
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